“Have Mercy, o God, on our King,
Lend your ear and hear
The prayer of our whole Land…
Give Him many days,
Anoint His brow with Thy Grace,
Have Mercy, o God, on our King!”
(Nichifor Crainic, (1889-1972). Poet)
“Have Mercy, o God, on our King,
Lend your ear and hear
The prayer of our whole Land…
Give Him many days,
Anoint His brow with Thy Grace,
Have Mercy, o God, on our King!”
(Nichifor Crainic, (1889-1972). Poet)
Tags:"·"Carmen Sylva"·"Constantin ROMAN" London·"Nichifor Crainic"·Alice Keppel·aristocrats·artists·Brancusi·editor "Centre for Romanian Studies - London·English·Gilberte Brassai·Hungarian·Kosuth Lajos·Orient Express·politicians·Princess Callimachi·Queen of Romania·revolutionary·romanian·Royals·traducere·translation·Violet Trefussis·writers
“Publishing Swift’s satires in 1985 (in Communist Romania, t.n.), I myself fought a lot with the censor in order to include “A Modest proposal” concerning eating Irish children, which had become ‘subversive’ here on account of meat shortage in Romania. Faced with the alternative of not publishing the book at all, or doing it without the famous text, I gave it up. The supreme level of censorship was a department of the (Communist) Party Central Committee.”
(Denisa Comànescu)
Tags:"Constantin Roman"·"Jonathan Swift"·"Nicolae STEINHARDT"·"Paul CELAN"·"Petru DUMITRIU"·editor "Centre for Romanian Studies - London·Judges·King James II·madeleine·Madeleine Cancicov·Mihail Sebastian·prodigal·Romanian Jewish Writers Union
L-ai strigat pe Dumnezeu,
Ce-a coborât adânc, în trupul tău,
Să-ti dea curaj să-nvingi la drumuri noi.
Care-a fost împăratul
Ce te-a-njosit? Unde-ai plecat?
Te căutăm, dar încă nu te ştim…
Străjerii tăi se uită-n vârf de munţi şi-aşteaptă
Pasul tău.
Tags:"Centre for Romanian Studies - London"·"Constantin ROMAN" London·"Hector McDonnell"·"Irlanda de Nord"·"N. Belfast"·"Sf. Patrick"·artist painter·author·books·Co. Antrim·Dumnezeu·editor·editor "Centre for Romanian Studies - London·Glenarm·History·Ireland·Irish·Irlanda·PATRICK·poem·poet·religion·romanian·Străjeri·Ulster
(Thomas Boberg, Danemarca)
Toţi oamenii care nu se pot plimba pe Corso,
Toţi oamenii care au uitat de unde vin
Toţi oamenii care şi-au pierdut cheile
Toţi oamenii care nu pot fi membrii clubului
Toţi oamenii care nu pot fi pe buzele mele
Toţi oamenii care nu înţeleg tactica scorpionului
Toţi oamenii care trec unii pe lângă alţii
Toţi oamenii care sosesc la timp dar care nu reuşesc
Toţi oamenii care refuză să trăiasca experienţa viitorului
Toţi oamenii care rămân deşi trenul aşteaptă
Toţi oamenii care nu pot fi unde sunt.
Traducere – Constantin ROMAN, Londra
Tags:"Constantin Roman"·"Poetry in Translation"·Danemarca·Denmark·Dictatorial Poem·editor "Centre for Romanian Studies - London·poem·Poem dictatorial·poet·poetry·poezie·romanian·tactica scorpionului·Thomas Boberg·traducere·translation·translator