Centre for Romanian Studies

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Entries Tagged as 'art'

Romanian Dictionary of Quotations, Selected & Translated by Constantin ROMAN: Letter ‘A’

July 16th, 2013 · No Comments · Books, PEOPLE, quotations, Translations

“Awake, awake Romanians from your lethargic sleep,
In which your foreign tyrants have sunken you so deep!
It’s either now or never to shape a fate for you,
To whose behest should cower your cruel enemies too!”
(Alexander Muresanu (1) (1816, Bistrita-Brasov, 1863),
Transylvanian poet, author of the national Anthem
(“Desteapta-te Romane”)



Maria MESTEROU – Retrospectiva Franta (14 Oct. 2011 – 27 Nov. 2011)

September 21st, 2011 · Comments Off on Maria MESTEROU – Retrospectiva Franta (14 Oct. 2011 – 27 Nov. 2011) · Art Exhibitions, Diaspora, International Media, PEOPLE

Maria MESTEROU – Retrospectiva Pictura, Dreux, Franta (14 Oct. 2011 – 27 Nov. 2011)
L’univers de Maria Mestérou est un monde fait de mystérieux objets. L’espace qui les contient communique souvent avec l’étendue des horizons éloignés, de la mer. L’étrange charge que portent ces objets transfigure aussi le paysage, le plein air dans lequel ils sont placés. Ils font parfois la place à un personnage non moins mystérieux, sachant partager leur silence et entretenir le dialogue avec celui qui regarde. Ce ne sont pas des natures mortes dans le sens usuel du terme, c’est une insolite figuration. Peut-être la recherche d’un genre de dimension perdue ou le surnaturel trouverait forme dans le naturel, lui transférant une lumière d’attente, l’attente de la métamorphose finale. Les objets sont réunis pour un moment précis, d’où jaillit une beauté sereine. Leur rayonnement transcende leur apparence et prend des lueurs cosmiques. Le sensible sert le transcendantal dans un échange avec le spectateur, et cet échange est déjà de l’ordre de l’affectif.
Valérian Bryn



The Art of Nicolae GROZA

October 3rd, 2010 · 2 Comments · Art Exhibitions, Diaspora, PEOPLE

NICOLAE GROZA a Romanian artist now living in Belgium, near Liege, follows the tradition of Transylvanian icon painters on glass and his themes often borrow symbols, motifs and the graphism from the old icons. However Groza gets his inspiration from non-religious subjects – from folk legends and historical characters.
Nicoale has an extraordinary sense of humour, imagination and a high artistry which sets him apart from his contemporaries. He has held many individual and group exhibitions of these works which are in private collections in England, Belgium, Romania, Germany, France.
Nicolae Groza’s main form of expression are huge murals, mosaics, decorative panels in ceramics.
His oil paintings are to be found in Musems and private collections in Europe.Nicolae Groza’s main form of expression are huge murals, mosaics, decorative panels in ceramics.
His oil paintings are to be found in museums and private collections in Europe.



Orpheus never turned up for tea – considering a painting by Janet CREE (1910-1992)

May 13th, 2006 · Comments Off on Orpheus never turned up for tea – considering a painting by Janet CREE (1910-1992) · Art Exhibitions, PEOPLE

Orpheus never turned up for tea Looking at a painting by Janet Cree (1910-1992) ————————————————- There is an instant fascination which this painting on panel offers the neophyte, as he identifies himself without any difficulty to the main personage – a scantily clad youth playing an antique harp, surrounded by a bevy of entranced females, […]

