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Entries Tagged as 'Securitate'

Constantin ROMAN – Book Review: Orwell behind the Iron Curtain

February 26th, 2016 · Comments Off on Constantin ROMAN – Book Review: Orwell behind the Iron Curtain · Books, Communist Prisons, Diary, Famous People, History, International Media, OPINION, PEOPLE, quotations, Reviews

Orwell behind the Iron Curtain
Margot Eftimiu,, my private French language teacher in Buchrest, was educated in Vevay, Switzerland and fell on hard times after being expropriated by the Communist regime. She borrowed these magazines and transcribed by hand the whole of Orwell’s 1984 novel- no mean feat and a labor of love. I had the privilege of being lent these notebooks when I was just 15 years of age, and found the reading fascinating.
As a teenager, during the dire Stalinist years I identified myself perfectly well with the character of Orwell’s book and with the whole atmosphere described by the author, as one which we were experiencing in Romania under a communist dictatorship.



Ceausescu’s “Diplomats” in Britain (Extract from: “Defying the Idiocracy” – Cambridge Memoirs, 1969-1974)

June 29th, 2012 · No Comments · Books, Diary, Diaspora, PEOPLE, quotations, Uncategorized

The burly comrade came banging at the door. There was something terribly Romanian about his banging on my door: an Englishman would have rung once, perhaps twice and after a few moments, seeing that nobody answered he will have left. I had no need to find out who it was, in order not to open the door: the Comrade was banging solidly at my door… I thought:

– This was his visiting card, the physical muscle of the uneducated, the pressing need of the apparatchik, whose mission was, come what may, to bang at my door, regardless, until somebody would respond. He should be so lucky! But what if the door gave in, under his brute force, which he might have applied at Lubyanka? These modern doors were so flimsy…

I never felt so insecure. Still, I had enough courage to tiptoe upstairs and look down from a rooftop terrace, several floors above the door. It was early afternoon and hardly anybody about, who might put him off his rude behaviour:

– Not a very good PR, Comrade, doubtless this was a textbook behaviour aquired in Moscow, with very little currency in the West!

Eventually he left:

– God bless him! He gave up on me, for the time being!

I waited long enough to make certain he had left. I went straight to the Head Porter and related the story.

– Next time he comes, you should call the police!
– What a good idea! Why haven’t I thought of it?

It took time to absorb the new rights to which I was entitled, as a free citizen. It felt like an animal born in captivity, which lived in a cage, for most of its life and now that the cage door was open it did not understand the benefits of Freedom…



Mircea Eliade si Părintele Arsenie Boca despre ieşirea din timpul istoric (Isabela Vasiliu-Scraba)

February 15th, 2011 · Comments Off on Mircea Eliade si Părintele Arsenie Boca despre ieşirea din timpul istoric (Isabela Vasiliu-Scraba) · Diary, Diaspora, OPINION, PEOPLE

*La Paris, pe când era discutat romanul metafizic al lui Mircea Eliade, un critic literar scăpat de teroarea comunistă din RPR observase dezinteresul Occidentului pentru suferinţele românilor întemniţati cu sutele de mii de mercenarii ocupantului sovietic al ţării. Referitor la acest vinovat dezinteres al umaniştilor francezi de stânga, Ierunca nota următoarele: “lui Sartre nu i se cere decât o informaţie obiectivă. Dar el dă dovadă de ipocrizie şi amnezii inexplicabile” (Virgil Ierunca, Trecut-au anii. Jurnal, Ed. Humanitas, Bucureşti, 2000). Probabil pe undeva pe aici se află şi motivul pentru care Eugen Ionescu nu a vrut niciodată să-l cunoască personal pe J.P.Sartre. Poziţia lui Mircea Eliade faţă de Sartre credem că a fost determinată mai ales de limitarea existenţei umane la social şi politic pe care o sesizase în scrierile existenţialistului. Pentru un erudit şi un literat care şi-a dedicat întreaga viaţă studierii fenomenului religios, observarea acestei limitării era desigur în defavoarea lui Sartre. Platonician ca şi Nae Ionescu, istoricul religiilor nota într-unul din jurnalele sale că pentru el socialul si politicul ţin de resortul literaturii şi nu al vieţii umane în esenţialitatea ei. După Eliade, evenimentele din timpul sacru sînt cu mult mai reale decât viaţa desfăşurată în timpul istoric (M. Eliade, Fragments d’un jurnal, p.429-430).



Isabela Vasiliu-Scraba despre “Părul lung şi blond al lui I.P.Culianu”

March 14th, 2010 · 3 Comments · Diaspora, OPINION, PEOPLE

In toate cele trei filme dedicate lui Culianu s-a sugerat telespectatorilor că ucigaşul ar fi fost legionar, fără a se menţiona că a fost o crimă “cu semnătură”. Umberto Eco a crezut că a fost un asasinat purtând semnătura KGB. Dar “semnătura” ar fi putut indica si suprimarea unui trădător. Uciderea petrecută după scenariul de execuţie a unui trădător ar implica umilirea celui care a trădat. I.P. Culianu a fost umilit prin împuşcare în ceafă în WC-ul universităţii din Chicago. Presupunând un astfel de scenariu, prin indicarea unui criminal legionar, însăşi victima trădătoare e plasată în rândul legionarilor. O altă variantă ar fi că a trădat Securitatea. După Tereza Culianu-Petrescu, fratele său care-i spusese Gabrielei Adameşteanu în decembrie 1990 că “prostia Securităţii române este epocală şi de o profunzime nemaivăzută” (v. I.P.Culianu în rev.22, 5 aprilie 1991) ar fost asasinat de vechea Securitate “aşa cum opina generalul I. Pacepa” (v. Tereza Culianu-Petrescu, O biografie, Observatorul Cultural, 87/23 oct.2001).



Nobel prize Winner – Exorting Romania to be honest about its Communist Past

October 8th, 2009 · Comments Off on Nobel prize Winner – Exorting Romania to be honest about its Communist Past · Diaspora, PEOPLE

Herta MUELLER 2009 Nobel Prize for Literature (Romanian-born German from the Banat of Timisoara, living in Berlin) ——————————————————————————————— Herta Müller has a sharp sense of realities, as demonstrated in her article published in Tagesspeil of 17 July 2008, which is echoed by the Frankfurter Rundschau: “It is a scandal that Romania put forward as its […]

