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Poetry in translation (CCLXVI): Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), Italy/Tuscany: “Poem”, “Poem”

February 26th, 2014 · No Comments · International Media, PEOPLE, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Poetry in translation (CCLXVI): Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), Italy/Tuscany ): “Poem”, “Poem”


Michelangelo Buonarroti

Ravished by all that to the eyes is fair,
Yet hungry for the joys that truly bless,
My soul can find no stair
To mount to heaven, save earth’s loveliness.

For from the stars above
Descends a glorious light
That lifts our longing to their highest height
And bears the name of love
Nor is there aught can move
A gentle heart, or purge or make it wise
But beauty and the starlight of her eyes.

(Translated into English by
George Santayana, (1863-1952))

Michelangelo Buonarroti

Sedus de aparenţe orbitoare,
Încurajat de bucurii ascunse,
Vreau sufletu-mi să zboare către soare,
Dar căile sunt lungi si nepătrunse.

Din bolta cerului divin, sclipiri pierdute
Ne scaldă in a Domnului lumină,
Facând din vis o dragoste deplină,
Pe culmi de nesperat si neştiute.

Când dragostea in piept sălăşluieşte,
Iar drumul lung e fratele ispitei,
Icoana ei, din ceruri, mă priveşte
Cu ochi de neuitat, a prea-iubitei.

Rendered in Romanian by Constantin ROMAN, London,
© 2014 Copyright Constantin ROMAN

michelangelo Anecdotal Bio:
Though we refer to him as Michelangelo his full name was Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni.
Michelangelo was raised in Florence.
Michelangelo’s mother died when he was only six.
Michelangelo was the second oldest of five boys: Lionardo (b. 1473) (Michelangelo born 1475) Buonarroto (b. 1477) Giovansimone (b. 1479) Gismondo (b.1481)
Michelangelo sculpted David and Pieta, designed a dome for St. Peter’s Basilica, and painted frescos on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel all before he was 30 years old.
Michelangelo was created the greatest living artist of his time.
Michelangelo spent four years working on the dome of the Sistine Chapel. He stood on a scaffold and painted over his head, unlike the popular belief that he painted while laying down.
Michelangelo died in Rome in 1564. His remains were secretly returned to Florence and interred at the Basilica of Santa Croce, according to his wishes.
Michelangelo was hit in the nose as a teenager by Pietro Torrigiano, a fellow art student at an art academy in Florence. The incident left him with a permanently crooked nose.
In his old age Michelangelo nearly lived as a hermit rarely coming into contact with others except when his work brought contact about. He lived in squalor despite being rich.
Michelangelo did not marry and had no children but was rumored to have love affairs with Tommaso dei Cavalieri and the poet Vittoria Colonna.
Michelangelo wrote countless letters throughout his career, some 490 have survived and contain original signatures.
Michelangelo was the first Western artist whose biography was published while he was still alive.
From 1527-1529 Michelangelo took a break from art and joined the army to defend the Republic of Florence. He worked as an engineer creating fortifications to protect the city.
Michelangelo was also a poet, there are some 300 poetic works still in existence that are attributed to him.
Michelangelo was often dissatisfied with himself and his work. He was known for his sharp, critical, volatile temperament.
Towards the end of his life Michelangelo destroyed many of his sketches not wanting people to know how hard he worked.


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