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Entries Tagged as '“Parid Teferici”'

Poetry in Translation (CXLIII): Parid TEFERICI (b. 1972, Albania), “Index”, “Direcţie”

November 11th, 2012 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CXLIII): Parid TEFERICI (b. 1972, Albania), “Index”, “Direcţie” · Diaspora, International Media, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Farid TEFERICI (b. 1972, Albania)

What point is there in my showing you ‘mongst the crowds
What sort of person I am,
Or the turn in the road you must take to find
My house, where the quince tree is aging in the yard?
Index fingers are the roots that feed
That trunk which offers no leaves, nor fruit, nor shade.
[Index, from the volume Meqenëse sytë, Tirana: Aleph 2003, p. 87. Translated from the Albanian by Robert Elsie]

(Rendered in Romanian
by Constantin ROMAN, London,
© 2012, Copyright Constantin ROMAN)



Poetry in Translation (CXLII): Parid TEFERICI (b. 1972, Albania), “In a Country as Small as This One”, “O ţară atât de mică”

November 10th, 2012 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CXLII): Parid TEFERICI (b. 1972, Albania), “In a Country as Small as This One”, “O ţară atât de mică” · International Media, Poetry, Translations

The Albanian Leviathan is a sardine. The sitting rooms where men gather are tins of sardines. Truth, in order to find space there, has to be folded in two and then folded again.
In a country as small as this, so small that you could easily draw it on a one-to-one scale on this packet of cigarettes, you don’t know where and how to sit or support yourself: on the throat of your neighbour, or on the buttocks of the other fellow’s wife.
Seated, huddled around the coffee table, how can you greet anyone without jabbing someone else with your elbow? How can you pay a compliment without deafening someone?
We can see one another in our spoons, and we are warped.



Poetry in Translation (CXLI): Parid TEFERICI (b. 1972, Albania), “ The Poet”, “Poetul”

November 10th, 2012 · Comments Off on Poetry in Translation (CXLI): Parid TEFERICI (b. 1972, Albania), “ The Poet”, “Poetul” · International Media, Poetry, quotations, Translations

Parid TEFERICI (b. 1972, Albania)
Mă împuşcă acolo unde nu sunt.
Se întâmplă chiar să-mi ridice braţul la masă
Să afle dacă nu mă ascund acolo.
Se întâmplă să lase să treacă
Omul care se grăbeşte să mă găsească
Se întâmplă chiar să imi dea foc
Ca să mă dibuie mai bine în întuneric.
Şi totuşi, deşi stau cu spatele la zid
Nu mă împuşcă.

(Rendered in Romanian
by Constantin ROMAN, London,
© 2012, Copyright Constantin ROMAN)

